Last year was the centenary of Addison’s 1919 Housing Act. The first Addison Act council houses built in Bristol were in Hillfields. The Hillfields Homes for Bristol project celebrates the history of these houses and the people that live and have lived in them. Travelling Kitchen CIC were delighted to be invited by Local Learning CIC to participate in the project. Over the past few months we’ve been exploring the social history of the area and what people who lived in the houses were growing, cooking and eating. Travelling Kitchen have been chatting to residents at Homes for Heroes Open Days in Hillfields Library and cooking with some of the pupils of Minerva Primary Academy. We’ve been looking at the history of school dinners and packed lunches with Reception and Year 1, cooking some recipes from the past and coming up with some new ideas for packed lunches. In the summer we’ll be cooking with some of the older pupils and holding a community cooking workshop. If you live in Hilllfields and are interested in being involved, please get in touch. For further information on the project see
