Travelling Kitchen works with schools and community groups in Bristol and the surrounding region to design cookery workshops to meet their needs. These can be around historical or global themes, to celebrate festivals or enrich curriculum subjects in other ways. We love working with people to make their ideas a reality and supporting teachers to create a fantastic learning and fun experience for their pupils. Outdoors or indoors, from a field kitchen to setting up a kitchen in an art room or community centre - we can do it!

Travelling Kitchen will do all the research, planning and preparation for you.We appreciate that without access to a professional kitchen and with all the other demands that teachers and community workers face, cooking in the classroom or other community setting can be difficult and time-consuming. We will make the experience fun and stress-free.

 Travelling Kitchen will:

- Meet with you for a free consultation to plan your workshop and develop your ideas. We will work with you to assess any risks and how these will be addressed and discuss any dietary needs or allergies.

- Undertake any preparation needed such as researching and testing recipes and shopping for ingredients.

- Arrive at the venue with all the necessary equipment including a mobile oven and hobs if needed;

-  Work in small groups tailored around the needs of individuals so that each individual has focused practical cooking time to master cooking skills and cook a dish or series of recipes.


We aim to create a visual and sensory experience and will also bring items to inspire and encourage engagement; baskets from around the world filled with delicious fruits, vegetables and herbs and shelves full of spices. We also provide additional materials to support learning and the experience and have access to a range of primary and secondary sources and objects and materials to extend learning and enhance the experience.


It is recognised that children's learning is enriched by a cross-curricular approach and they become more effective learners when they are able to make links between different subjects. We can work with schools on planning and how to integrate cooking into the school's curriculum. Our workshops fulfil national curriculum guidelines on cooking in schools as well as enriching learning in other curriculum areas.

Cooking is an essential life skill for good health and well-being. Through its cookery sessions the Travelling Kitchen aims to:

  • Equip children with basic cooking techniques and skills;

  • Expose them to different ingredients, their origins and history;

  • Give them a knowledge of different food types;

  • Demonstrate how ingredients can be combined to create healthy and delicious meals;

We support learning through introducing opportunities for numeracy and literacy ,making it more accessible and fun and leading to increased confidence.


Travelling Kitchen can help you with other cooking activities in your school community. This could include after-school sessions, Parent Teacher Assocation (PTA) events and fundraising events, and 'plot to plate' cooking showing you imaginative ways to cook with produce from the school garden. We can also design cooking events to celebrate other activities in the school such as World Book Day.

Both Sarah and Clare have enhanced DBS checks, a Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Level 1 Certificate in Food Handling and Hygiene.

*Year 3 teacher, Fonthill Primary School