Happy New Year from Travelling Kitchen. With schools closed over the festive period we’ve taken a break and looked back over the past year at what Travelling Kitchen achieved in 2018

The beginning of the year saw the final couple of workshops as part of phase one of the Meadows to Meaders project in Southmead. We’ve absolutely loved every minute of working in Southmead with some lovely people and had two great days at the Greenway Centre and the Southmead Community centre doing two adult cooking workshops. Once again we looked back to some recipes from the 1930s but also added some modern twists and after cooking we all sat down together to a three course meal. We also spent a great morning with young adults from the the 3 Trees Community Support making pizzas and salads for a shared lunch. In June we returned to Southmead as part of Bristol Food Connections festival, cooking with local residents and pupils at Badock’s wood primary school for ‘A Picnic through time’ at the Greenway Centre. It was lovely to see so many people coming together to share some delicious food in the sunshine, with some nostalgic tunes from the gramophone playing in the background.

Over 800 children from 8 schools in Bristol, Bath and South Gloucestershire have benefitted from our schools workshops. Through our cooking with them we travelled the globe, went from field to fork and looked back in time from the Ancient Mayans to the First World War. We continue to be amazed by the enthusiasm of the children we teach and the speed with which they pick up new cooking skills and by the dedication and passion of their teachers in what are challenging times. Thank you all for welcoming us into your schools. We are really looking forward to 2019 and working with you again and to cooking with some new schools over the year.
